Friday, September 12, 2008

A Task In Self-Discipline

Here is something gleaned from Brian Tracy at a seminar years ago. It is a simple method we have found very helpful to all athletes looking to continually improve!

After any competition, practice or presentation that you are involved, reflect upon and review only 2 things! Those 2 things are:

1) What I did right!

2) What I would do differently!

Upon completion of this task you must move forward! Some coaches have called this "turning the page"! You simply move on and continue to improve without complaining or bringing yourself down in any way!

The point of this exercise is to create a positive kind of "self-dialogue" in order for your sub-conscious mind to carry through and help you to improve after each experience. If you focused on what you did wrong in the hopes that you will correct and improve upon your mistakes, your sub-conscious mind will fixate on the negative "self-talk" and potentially cause you to make the same mistakes again and again!

So, the key is to practice this method just as you train for your sport. Remember to review what you did right and what you would do differently and simply carry on from there!

In good training,

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